"This big?"
"No, far bigger."
"Oh, no, far bigger still. Your arms could not spread wide enough to reach the largeness of the dreams He has for you."
"Really? - What if I stretched my arms to touch the mountains?"
"It still could never be wild enough or big enough or difficult enough to exhaust His ability."
"And He truly wants me to dream that big? Don't I need to fear dreaming too big?"
"Hahahahahahahaha . . . no human has ever dreamt TOO big for God! Child, dream large . . . larger still . . . larger than you ever dared. He likes it, you know."
"He does?"
"Oh, yes, He gets quite a kick out of His children who believe hugely. You could never ask or think bigger than He can do. So few even try, though."
"Then I shall be one who tries!"
Photograph: child laughing, unknown
About Me
- Penn Hayden
- God-lover, singer, poet, writer, mother, friend. Author of Song of Unborn Child.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Sleep For Now
I am praying for you strong one, little warrior one. I am praying that you make it all the way into this wide, strange world . . . safe. I am hoping that you will learn to sing your song and follow the beat of your own drummer. I am hoping beyond hope that you will not become a stat . . . a cold statistic, one of millions, of all the little warriors who did not win their fight.
Shh, sleep for now and do not worry your sweet heart about it - for I am praying for you. Tens of thousands of us are. We will not stop our speaking, writing, praying, standing along sidewalks on cold mornings hoping to help all those mothers-dear who do not know they have a little warrior down inside them.
Photograph: Fetus in womb, unknown
Shh, sleep for now and do not worry your sweet heart about it - for I am praying for you. Tens of thousands of us are. We will not stop our speaking, writing, praying, standing along sidewalks on cold mornings hoping to help all those mothers-dear who do not know they have a little warrior down inside them.
Photograph: Fetus in womb, unknown
Friday, July 25, 2014
They Think Themselves a Giant
They think themselves a giant. They think that you are small. They think that they will feed you to the birds - or ruin you with rockets.
They brag of your demise, believing that their sword is very large and stronger than your pebbles. They taunt and roar with much ado and drama (because the world is watching, don't you know, and Hamas must keep it watching.)
It is not the first time, dear Israel, that you faced a giant . . . and we all know how that story ended.
Artwork: David and Goliath by unknown
They brag of your demise, believing that their sword is very large and stronger than your pebbles. They taunt and roar with much ado and drama (because the world is watching, don't you know, and Hamas must keep it watching.)
It is not the first time, dear Israel, that you faced a giant . . . and we all know how that story ended.
Artwork: David and Goliath by unknown
Friday, July 18, 2014
Worth the Drinking
I found something worth the drinking. Ha! I found a good strong tonic that does my heart good. And a funny thing is there are some in the church who do not even believe it exists - they have NEVER drunk it (so sorry for them). And some who have heard of it will not touch "the stuff".
It has a name, though they do not like to speak of it, thus I shall whisper it here so as not to bring too much offense (new wine). Have you heard of it before?
It is completely different from the old stuff - fresh, bursting with flavor, very potent. And I find myself a bit tipsy on the joy it brings. All I can say is . . . GIVE ME MORE!
Artwork: New Wine by unknown
It has a name, though they do not like to speak of it, thus I shall whisper it here so as not to bring too much offense (new wine). Have you heard of it before?
It is completely different from the old stuff - fresh, bursting with flavor, very potent. And I find myself a bit tipsy on the joy it brings. All I can say is . . . GIVE ME MORE!
Artwork: New Wine by unknown
Sunday, May 04, 2014
Strong Grip
He won't, you know. He never has. Not since the first moment that you called His name and believed. He has never let go of you - and He never will.
Oh, I can guarantee that you will; at least a few times in this journey. You will let go of him, fail Him, falter in some way; but He holds on. That is the only reason any of us ever make it to the end, for the sake of His strong grip.
You cannot be snatched from His hand. Not stolen. Not lost. Even if you were to sink down into a miry pit, Father's hand would find you there and pull you out . . . now that is true security.
Artwork: Cast Your Cares, hand pulling you up, unknown
Thursday, February 06, 2014
This Rain Floods
It rained down again this morning. It soaked me to the core and washed away all of yesterday. And when it did I felt the lightness spring into my step again.
Sweet, cleansing, a new beginning even - I cannot get enough of this daily downspout. "Let it rain!!" I cry up to the heavens as I dance beneath the shower. "Let your mercies rain and never stop!"
Down it plunges from the heavens. Down it floods anew each morning till heart is tender, clean, and ready for another day. Dear Papa in the heavens . . . your mercy I shall always need.
Artwork: Dance in the Storm © Christine Council
Friday, December 20, 2013
Gotten Themselves into a Muddle
Oh, it's moving quickly now, plowing down the road in lightening speed. Far quicker than A&E ever intended. They bit hard and quick, thinking the bite would straighten him out, put him in line, punish him just enough to back him in a corner. But it took off, with their teeth desperately imbedded, and them not being able to free themselves. Poor A&E. Now they have gotten themselves into a muddle.
They did not know how to handle it: Another voice has dared to speak; another soul has refused to bow to the media's thought police.
And I say - WELL DONE! Well done, Phil Robertson, for speaking truth and answering those simple questions as straightforward as you did. No hemming or hawing from you. No cowering or worrying who thinks what about you . . . refreshing . . . encouraging . . . wonderful to see that there are those who do not bend with fear before that vocal crowd who have a tendency to call evil good - and who try to punish those who refuse to do the same.
Millions of us stand behind you, without a platform, without that clarion vantage that you have to speak and have it broadcast for the world to hear. Thank you, Phil Robertson. Your voice means much to us! . . . Poor A&E. Let's see how you get your teeth out of this one.
Artwork: (c) Peter Bay Alexandersen
They did not know how to handle it: Another voice has dared to speak; another soul has refused to bow to the media's thought police.
And I say - WELL DONE! Well done, Phil Robertson, for speaking truth and answering those simple questions as straightforward as you did. No hemming or hawing from you. No cowering or worrying who thinks what about you . . . refreshing . . . encouraging . . . wonderful to see that there are those who do not bend with fear before that vocal crowd who have a tendency to call evil good - and who try to punish those who refuse to do the same.
Millions of us stand behind you, without a platform, without that clarion vantage that you have to speak and have it broadcast for the world to hear. Thank you, Phil Robertson. Your voice means much to us! . . . Poor A&E. Let's see how you get your teeth out of this one.
Artwork: (c) Peter Bay Alexandersen
Friday, October 25, 2013
God's Lovely Mess
You called upon Him - and there He is. Surprised? Did you really think that all your stuff would be too much for Him to bear or too ugly for Him to look upon? Or worse: That you were just too unlovable for Him to love?
He came because you called. And you called because you believe. Deep inside your heart it was there and you did not even know it - a tiny seed of faith that had been planted years and years ago; a knowing that God is there. And you wandered, and you chose wrong paths, and you hid the wounds. Until that day - when you called His name.
Perhaps you are a mess . . . but you are God's lovely mess now.
Artwork: Her Choice (c) Diana Moses Botkin
He came because you called. And you called because you believe. Deep inside your heart it was there and you did not even know it - a tiny seed of faith that had been planted years and years ago; a knowing that God is there. And you wandered, and you chose wrong paths, and you hid the wounds. Until that day - when you called His name.
Perhaps you are a mess . . . but you are God's lovely mess now.
Artwork: Her Choice (c) Diana Moses Botkin
Saturday, October 12, 2013
A Place of Graves
The gate is wide. The gate is tall and stately . . . and intimidating. As well it should be! (say those who enter through it) For there beyond lies a most sacred place with which we pride ourselves in its clean, and orderly, and necessarily structured confines that make us feel so duly holy, so right before our God, so happy we can come here with other like-minded fellows and enjoy the reverent company.
But . . . it is a place of graves, isn't it? (They do not hear me) Excuse me! It is a place for dead people, is it not?
As I peek in I see the tombs - white-washed and very pretty. Rows and rows of them. I see the burdens on the backs of those who walk within . . . no, I do not think that I shall enter in.
Artwork: Cemetery at Dusk by Caspar Friedrich
But . . . it is a place of graves, isn't it? (They do not hear me) Excuse me! It is a place for dead people, is it not?
As I peek in I see the tombs - white-washed and very pretty. Rows and rows of them. I see the burdens on the backs of those who walk within . . . no, I do not think that I shall enter in.
Artwork: Cemetery at Dusk by Caspar Friedrich
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Stronger Than Your Winds
O, Autumn, come! Come early if you can. My storm-loving sensibilities are missing you.
I am so ready for the wind to gather up the leaves again. Storms, you must promise to pummel hard and shout with those thunderous voices you are so well versed in. God’s voice has sounded like your thunder. My God is bigger, though. Bigger than you, Storms—louder than your thunder, stronger than your winds, fiercer than your lightning that you cast upon the earth.
I cannot wait for autumn’s storms—they so remind me of the God I love.
Artwork: An Autumn Wind by unknown
Monday, September 09, 2013
War with the Lamb
“She is gone?”
“Yes. Her soul is now in heaven, with us.”
“It is that demon prince that did it, isn’t it?”
“Yes, that principality that they call ‘Allah’. Always at war with the Lamb and His saints—”
“And always working through the blinded ones who follow it.”
“Yes, since the 7th century when it was raised up as a god."
"Their moon god?"
"Their moon god. Chosen from the 300 false gods that they worshiped, chosen to become their only god.”
“Well, the time is getting closer when the True One shall return. Then this counterfeit shall fall.”
“This counterfeit has already begun its fall. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. It is devouring itself through the violence and hatred that it breeds . . . but there is hope in the midst of it!”
“You mean more shall turn and call upon His name, the name that saves? As she did?”
“Millions more! More than can be counted. More than can be stopped.”
“That demon prince will scream—blood will flow thicker!”
“Yes . . . but that is because it knows that it is doomed.”
Artwork: St. Eulalia, detail by Waterhouse
“Yes. Her soul is now in heaven, with us.”
“It is that demon prince that did it, isn’t it?”
“Yes, that principality that they call ‘Allah’. Always at war with the Lamb and His saints—”
“And always working through the blinded ones who follow it.”
“Yes, since the 7th century when it was raised up as a god."
"Their moon god?"
"Their moon god. Chosen from the 300 false gods that they worshiped, chosen to become their only god.”
“Well, the time is getting closer when the True One shall return. Then this counterfeit shall fall.”
“This counterfeit has already begun its fall. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. It is devouring itself through the violence and hatred that it breeds . . . but there is hope in the midst of it!”
“You mean more shall turn and call upon His name, the name that saves? As she did?”
“Millions more! More than can be counted. More than can be stopped.”
“That demon prince will scream—blood will flow thicker!”
“Yes . . . but that is because it knows that it is doomed.”
Artwork: St. Eulalia, detail by Waterhouse
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Slithered his Way
Defend the good, Elisa Chan! Defend the right to think and speak aloud your thoughts as God has led you! For you see, the enemy is about. The enemy of He who is Truth itself has slithered his way into this country—fully invited to come. Fully invited by those who love the darkness more than light.
And in homes he has quietly taken up roost. And in government buildings he is happily nestled. And around the media he has wrapped his coils—in hopes to strangle voices such as yours, Councilwoman Chan.
Be brave!—though foul words will be spat at you. Be fearless!—though they will try to ruin you. Remember, the Beloved of the Heavens stands with you and has given you a strong and solid conscience to help guide you. They may call evil good, but God does not . . . it is that snake who does.
And in homes he has quietly taken up roost. And in government buildings he is happily nestled. And around the media he has wrapped his coils—in hopes to strangle voices such as yours, Councilwoman Chan.
Be brave!—though foul words will be spat at you. Be fearless!—though they will try to ruin you. Remember, the Beloved of the Heavens stands with you and has given you a strong and solid conscience to help guide you. They may call evil good, but God does not . . . it is that snake who does.
Artwork: Danger on the Stairs © Pierre Roy
Monday, August 12, 2013
Out of That Dark Hold
There you are. So many prayed for you to do it. You found the key that leads you into freedom and, though liberty feels strange after being captive for so long, I promise it's a good thing.
It was lies that held you, and now—it is truth that sets you free. What joy it is to see you stepping out of that dark hold (though, granted, with timidity at first). The enemy of God, and so the enemy of you, tried so hard to keep you there, tried by every tool to keep you believing in the lies . . . and thus, keep you locked away from light and life and all that you were meant to have. No more. Hah! Christ wins again.
It was lies that held you, and now—it is truth that sets you free. What joy it is to see you stepping out of that dark hold (though, granted, with timidity at first). The enemy of God, and so the enemy of you, tried so hard to keep you there, tried by every tool to keep you believing in the lies . . . and thus, keep you locked away from light and life and all that you were meant to have. No more. Hah! Christ wins again.
Artwork: The Keys by Edward Blair Leighton
Monday, July 29, 2013
Thump-thump . . . thump-thump . . . thump-thump . . . I hear it. It sets my heart at peace. I hear it in this shadowed place. Steady. Strong. Unlike any other sound.
It breaks through fear. It restores calm. It makes the world’s noise disappear. It soothes my agitation and brings rest.
It is God’s heartbeat. And only those who have found their refuge underneath his wings have ever heard it.
Yes, truly it is unlike any other sound.
Artwork: wings, unknown
It breaks through fear. It restores calm. It makes the world’s noise disappear. It soothes my agitation and brings rest.
It is God’s heartbeat. And only those who have found their refuge underneath his wings have ever heard it.
Yes, truly it is unlike any other sound.
Artwork: wings, unknown
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
100,000 Dear Ones
It is burned into their hearts—deep and fragrant, rising up to heaven. Even threat of death cannot turn them from it. What is this thing to which they cling so strongly that death is chosen over letting go of it?
It is something Islam cannot comprehend. Muslims fear the strength of it and communists do also. Beat it out of them! They try . . . Burn their property! They do . . . but to no avail.
100,000 dear ones are killed each year by those who hate the brightness of its light.
What is this thing that births such courage in the face of death? . . . It is the simple love that’s found in Jesus.
It is something Islam cannot comprehend. Muslims fear the strength of it and communists do also. Beat it out of them! They try . . . Burn their property! They do . . . but to no avail.
100,000 dear ones are killed each year by those who hate the brightness of its light.
What is this thing that births such courage in the face of death? . . . It is the simple love that’s found in Jesus.
Artwork: St. Nicholas Saves Three Innocents from Death by Ilya Repin
Thursday, May 09, 2013
A Blessed Burial
So down you go, a blessed burial. Down you go, buried with Christ so that you can be resurrected with Him.
What a wonderful day to be reborn!!
Artwork: Splashing by unknown
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
This Other Battle
Do not stop. No matter what they say, do not give in. Bow your knee to Him you know is truth no matter where the battle comes from. And if it comes from the Pentagon, itself? Do not stop!
Be brave, for you are not alone. Be strong, for we are praying for you. They say your bended knee is a national threat to our security. Ha! Keep bowing, soldiers all, keep loving, keep sharing the comfort of your Christ . . . and never stop.
And if they call it treason? Have no fear, for Jesus was called traitor, too. Only cling to truth and faith and keep speaking to all who have the ears to hear. For many shall be brought into the kingdom because of this other battle that you fight—a battle that has eternal consequence.
Photograph: soldiers praying, unknown
Be brave, for you are not alone. Be strong, for we are praying for you. They say your bended knee is a national threat to our security. Ha! Keep bowing, soldiers all, keep loving, keep sharing the comfort of your Christ . . . and never stop.
And if they call it treason? Have no fear, for Jesus was called traitor, too. Only cling to truth and faith and keep speaking to all who have the ears to hear. For many shall be brought into the kingdom because of this other battle that you fight—a battle that has eternal consequence.
Photograph: soldiers praying, unknown
Friday, April 26, 2013
He says
He says that you are not alive. He says your tiny beating heart does not a person make. He says that those who wish to protect your tiny self are living in the past . . . are oppressive . . . even evil.
He declares that he is friend and ally to those who wish to end your life—in fact, he shall help them take it, as he trumpets himself the hero of those who do the taking.
Who is this orator sublime who gilds death with glittering platitudes, as he smiles and speaks of you, small growing one, as if you have no right to live, no right to stretch and grow and sing your song that God alone did give you?
Who is he that dares to raise his fist against your little life? . . . He calls himself President Obama.
Photograph: fetus at 12 weeks, unknown
He declares that he is friend and ally to those who wish to end your life—in fact, he shall help them take it, as he trumpets himself the hero of those who do the taking.
Who is this orator sublime who gilds death with glittering platitudes, as he smiles and speaks of you, small growing one, as if you have no right to live, no right to stretch and grow and sing your song that God alone did give you?
Who is he that dares to raise his fist against your little life? . . . He calls himself President Obama.
Photograph: fetus at 12 weeks, unknown
A Child Does
"Who carries the light?" I heard the rapid fire questions whispered in the night. “Who carries the light? Who carries the light?"
A child does. A child carries the light.
"A child does? How can a child carry the light? A child is small. A child is simple. And THIS light is very important! THIS light is full of glory and weight and power."
Did you not know? . . . He chose the simple to confound the wise.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Aiming At Its Heart
There it is! Are you aiming at its heart? Are you certain you can down it? You must be certain ere the arrow flies, before it skims across the air . . . less it misses. For if it should miss then you would have a beast to reckon with.
And not just any beast, but this beast: The one that would like nothing else but to devour you. That is why it skulks amongst the shadows as it does. That is why it trails behind with nose to ground to keep upon your heels. It loves your fear. It feeds upon it, so it must stir it up or else its belly would be empty.
But now you have it in your sights. Go on! God will give a steady hand. Now is not the time to fear!—now is the time to breathe, slow and deep, and aim true.
Artwork: The Outlaws of Sherwood © Robert Hunt
And not just any beast, but this beast: The one that would like nothing else but to devour you. That is why it skulks amongst the shadows as it does. That is why it trails behind with nose to ground to keep upon your heels. It loves your fear. It feeds upon it, so it must stir it up or else its belly would be empty.
But now you have it in your sights. Go on! God will give a steady hand. Now is not the time to fear!—now is the time to breathe, slow and deep, and aim true.
Artwork: The Outlaws of Sherwood © Robert Hunt
Friday, April 12, 2013
Words to Steal Hope
Do not be surprised by it. Do not be caught off guard if you should hear that voice. Even He Himself once heard it. Even He, the Dearest of them all, was pressed beneath the dead weight of it.
It fell upon Him sorely: cold and heavy like a rock beneath the ice. It tried to break Him. It whispered in His ear (and so will do in your’s); it whispered words to steal hope away. It jeered when He was in the garden. It mocked whilst He was on the cross. It howled with sheer delight at His final breath.
But then He rose—and vanquished that dark voice forever!! . . . remember that when you should hear it next.
Friday, February 01, 2013
Never Retired
You are not forgotten—Ever! And in His Kingdom you are never retired or put out to pasture or wheeled away to some forgotten room. Heavens No!
The power of Christ still courses strongly through your being, as it did when you were a younger, fiery brand. He wants you still to partner with Him, if you will . . . if you care to . . . if you"ll let Him.
There are still sick to be healed and dead to be raised and discouraged ones to be lifted up by the prophetic words Holy Spirit gives you. Your latter light shall be brighter than your former . . . if you will, if you care to . . . it's not over yet.
Artwork: A Helping Hand by Carts
The power of Christ still courses strongly through your being, as it did when you were a younger, fiery brand. He wants you still to partner with Him, if you will . . . if you care to . . . if you"ll let Him.
There are still sick to be healed and dead to be raised and discouraged ones to be lifted up by the prophetic words Holy Spirit gives you. Your latter light shall be brighter than your former . . . if you will, if you care to . . . it's not over yet.
Artwork: A Helping Hand by Carts
Monday, January 21, 2013
A Light by Which to Walk
Another change. Another move. But, “Trust in God!” I tell my soul. “Soul,” I say, “do not forget how faithful is our God!
“Though dim the night, it shall be turned to brightest light. For so God said,” and still I’m speaking to my soul, “so He said that I was not to kindle my own fire to make a light by which to walk. No, indeed!
“A fire that I should light would steal away my peace when I lie down to rest. So, soul,” still speaking sternly to my inner self that sometimes struggles when the path gets dark, “just wait till He, himself, brings light upon the path you walk.”
Artwork: Pilgrim in a Rocky Valley by Carl Gustav Carus
“Though dim the night, it shall be turned to brightest light. For so God said,” and still I’m speaking to my soul, “so He said that I was not to kindle my own fire to make a light by which to walk. No, indeed!
“A fire that I should light would steal away my peace when I lie down to rest. So, soul,” still speaking sternly to my inner self that sometimes struggles when the path gets dark, “just wait till He, himself, brings light upon the path you walk.”
Artwork: Pilgrim in a Rocky Valley by Carl Gustav Carus
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Pauper No Longer
I am learning. It has been hard to learn this truth, for the
world and circumstance and the enemy of our souls all work together to keep it
from us. But I’ve been learning . . . yes, I have.
I have been learning a truth that has changed my life, my
views, my interactions with others, and my love for my dearest Father God. What
truth! What long lost revelation that has begun to free me, inspire me, and
help me walk a higher walk.
And so the truth is this: . . . I am royalty. Because of
Christ and his death upon the cross I have been adopted into a royal family.
Hah! I am a pauper no longer. I AM ROYALTY!!!
. . . and I am
learning to behave as such.
Artwork: Night by Edward Robert Hughes
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Stirs to Wake
I breathe. I breathe in deep . . . it’s like the wind . . . it’s like a fragrance that stirs to wake.
Oh, yes, that is Him. I know Him well. I know His scent. It smells like life!
And this fresh breeze that I so love to linger in, and breathe in deep, and smile at as it blows about me, is something that I cannot live without . . . His presence.
Artwork: Desert Wind © Rob Chiu
Oh, yes, that is Him. I know Him well. I know His scent. It smells like life!
And this fresh breeze that I so love to linger in, and breathe in deep, and smile at as it blows about me, is something that I cannot live without . . . His presence.
Artwork: Desert Wind © Rob Chiu
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Child-like Clean
Are you surprised at how it feels, dear one? Are you surprised at the lightness of it? The washed-in-fresh-water sensation of it?
Now you know the power of His blood. Now you know how well it washes clean till all the grime of sin is gone and like a child the innocence is back.
Child-like faith, child-like hope, child-like clean again! And to think that you did not believe in second chances . . . well, you were wrong.
Artwork: Evening by Maxfield Parrish
Now you know the power of His blood. Now you know how well it washes clean till all the grime of sin is gone and like a child the innocence is back.
Child-like faith, child-like hope, child-like clean again! And to think that you did not believe in second chances . . . well, you were wrong.
Artwork: Evening by Maxfield Parrish
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Thousands of Glorious Cheers
Three cheers for Iceland! Or rather thousands of glorious cheers.
Iceland imprisoned its bankers. Iceland put its people first. Iceland refused to save the banks and it allowed them to fail! Hooray for such a courageous folk!
And what of Iceland now? Iceland’s economy is growing fast; faster than the U.S. and Europe. The government created better banks and forgave the people much of their debt. The brave, fighting folk of the cold north are wise, with wiser leaders than we have in the United States.
Remember us, Iceland, as we begin our fight . . . for we shall remember you and your great victory and it shall help us in our own dark night.
Photograph: handcuffed man, unknown; Iceland, unknown
Iceland imprisoned its bankers. Iceland put its people first. Iceland refused to save the banks and it allowed them to fail! Hooray for such a courageous folk!
And what of Iceland now? Iceland’s economy is growing fast; faster than the U.S. and Europe. The government created better banks and forgave the people much of their debt. The brave, fighting folk of the cold north are wise, with wiser leaders than we have in the United States.
Remember us, Iceland, as we begin our fight . . . for we shall remember you and your great victory and it shall help us in our own dark night.
Photograph: handcuffed man, unknown; Iceland, unknown
Friday, September 21, 2012
Left to Fight Alone
Gather them up, sweet little souls each one. Gather them up and heaven-bound we go. Cloak is full and, still, there are more to gather in. Millions more!
There is a war against your small sweet lives; there is a war because you have an enemy who hates you.
Abused, abandoned, trafficked, murdered in your mothers’ bellies even—a thousand different ways you have been harmed across this wide earth, because of why? Because satan is afraid of you. Because satan hates the One who has created you. Because you might possibly become a follower of Him who is beloved above all. And if you did, the light in you would be far more powerful than the darkness in this world.
But mothers and fathers have been blinded to this war . . . so you are left to fight alone.
Artwork: Field of the Slain by De Morgan
There is a war against your small sweet lives; there is a war because you have an enemy who hates you.
Abused, abandoned, trafficked, murdered in your mothers’ bellies even—a thousand different ways you have been harmed across this wide earth, because of why? Because satan is afraid of you. Because satan hates the One who has created you. Because you might possibly become a follower of Him who is beloved above all. And if you did, the light in you would be far more powerful than the darkness in this world.
But mothers and fathers have been blinded to this war . . . so you are left to fight alone.
Artwork: Field of the Slain by De Morgan
Monday, August 27, 2012
Chubby Cherubs?
They are an army, you know. Or perhaps you didn’t know. Perhaps you thought they were just sweet chubby cherubs. Or a group of soft-voiced warblers of some unearthly choir that like to wile away their time, singing. Or kindly helpers to us humans that beckon from a 4th dimension. Do you know what angels are? Do you know more than the imaginary stories of movies and TV?
They are the warring, fearless, deeply devoted armies of heaven. They are lovers of God’s Son, Christ, and obey Him alone. Men like to talk of them, but hate to speak about the One they serve. But the name of Jesus is always on their lips.
Courageous. Honorable. Terrifying. Beautiful. All and more.
Chubby Cherubs? . . . hardly.
Artwork: Angel Army, unknown
They are the warring, fearless, deeply devoted armies of heaven. They are lovers of God’s Son, Christ, and obey Him alone. Men like to talk of them, but hate to speak about the One they serve. But the name of Jesus is always on their lips.
Courageous. Honorable. Terrifying. Beautiful. All and more.
Chubby Cherubs? . . . hardly.
Artwork: Angel Army, unknown
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
The Right to Speak
So, Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-a has a mind of his own? Has a conscience alive and well to which he answers to? Believes in a loving God who has placed marriage solely in a covenant between a man and a woman?
Oh, dear. What horror! How dare he love a wondrous God who loves him dearly back and thus he wants to think like Him and live with a mind renewed and a lifestyle that reflects His righteousness.
How dare Dan Cathy show the courage to speak what he believes, loud and clear, for all to hear. Insupportable! Insufferable! Not to be tolerated (say those who speak of tolerance the loudest!) This is America! No man shall EVER have the right to speak his mind.
Dan Cathy . . . I applaud you for it!
Photograph: tape over mouth, unknown
Oh, dear. What horror! How dare he love a wondrous God who loves him dearly back and thus he wants to think like Him and live with a mind renewed and a lifestyle that reflects His righteousness.
How dare Dan Cathy show the courage to speak what he believes, loud and clear, for all to hear. Insupportable! Insufferable! Not to be tolerated (say those who speak of tolerance the loudest!) This is America! No man shall EVER have the right to speak his mind.
Dan Cathy . . . I applaud you for it!
Photograph: tape over mouth, unknown
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
A Good Roar
It was louder than the wind. Louder than the thunder even.
It blasted 'cross the heavens like a cannon ball in answer to the prayers of saints. And those minions of the dark gasped in one united breath whilst the chains of captives broke like twigs shattered by a mighty wind.
And when I heard it, I laughed. I could not help but laugh, for He so enjoyed it. The Lion of Judah loves a good roar!
Photograph: lion, unknown
It blasted 'cross the heavens like a cannon ball in answer to the prayers of saints. And those minions of the dark gasped in one united breath whilst the chains of captives broke like twigs shattered by a mighty wind.
And when I heard it, I laughed. I could not help but laugh, for He so enjoyed it. The Lion of Judah loves a good roar!
Photograph: lion, unknown
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Never Stop Drinking!
Fire that is all-consuming . . . Water that comes from an eternal well . . . mixed together . . . stirred up. Now . . .
Drink deep.
Guaranteed to change things forever: love will burn more deeply; the heart will beat with greater strength; the vision will expand to see what heaven sees. And best of all—lost ones will be found and healed and saved.
Never stop drinking!
Photograph: water and fire in glass, unknown
Drink deep.
Guaranteed to change things forever: love will burn more deeply; the heart will beat with greater strength; the vision will expand to see what heaven sees. And best of all—lost ones will be found and healed and saved.
Never stop drinking!
Photograph: water and fire in glass, unknown
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Clinging To it Bravely
You’re doing well, dear friend. You’ve not fallen yet—and you won’t, for the Lord is able to keep you standing. Their weapons formed against you will not prosper, not even their words. Though they should come at you from every side when you feel weakest—hold fast just as you are doing!
You know the secret, for I see you clinging to it bravely. And though I see you are alarmed . . . don’t be. Christ before, Christ behind, Christ below, and Christ above—so you are surrounded by the refuge that He is. Don’t forget. Remind your soul constantly: In this darkening world you are not alone.
. . . and you have an enemy who hates that truth.
Artwork: © Tristan Elwell
You know the secret, for I see you clinging to it bravely. And though I see you are alarmed . . . don’t be. Christ before, Christ behind, Christ below, and Christ above—so you are surrounded by the refuge that He is. Don’t forget. Remind your soul constantly: In this darkening world you are not alone.
. . . and you have an enemy who hates that truth.
Artwork: © Tristan Elwell
A Basket Full of Lovelies
My basket’s getting full—almost over-flowing-full. I’ve been told that I can pick whatever I see, whatever fair and fragrant thing my eye should set upon. I’ve been told that it’s okay to pick these things because He’s given them to me. And He’s given me the eyes to see them.
Oh, there have been some who’ve tried to dissuade me of doing this. But I am stubborn. I believe that time in my garden with Him is never wasted. And I do my best to not pick bitter thorns. Bitter thorns are not what God intends for us.
NO to thorns and weeds and strangling vines, ALL of them! He has planted things in my garden . . . and watered . . . and weeded regularly (sometimes painfully), but always with the intent to reap a basket full of lovelies.
Artwork: Betty’s Posy Shop by Jessie Wilcox-Smith
Oh, there have been some who’ve tried to dissuade me of doing this. But I am stubborn. I believe that time in my garden with Him is never wasted. And I do my best to not pick bitter thorns. Bitter thorns are not what God intends for us.
NO to thorns and weeds and strangling vines, ALL of them! He has planted things in my garden . . . and watered . . . and weeded regularly (sometimes painfully), but always with the intent to reap a basket full of lovelies.
Artwork: Betty’s Posy Shop by Jessie Wilcox-Smith
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Love Came Down
Love came down. Not in the way many believed it should look like. But love came down in the midst of men and took the sins that all of us are guilty of, upon Himself.
Love was bruised. And it was love that spread His arms in quiet submission and took the nails. And then love did something that no one else could ever do—He rose up from the grave and conquered death forever.
Such love is very powerful. Such love is worth giving up all for. Islam, Buddhism, Ba-haiism, Hinduism . . . none of these could ever offer such love as this. I, for one, am a soul that has been undone by it.
Artwork: Allegory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ © Patrick Devonas
Love was bruised. And it was love that spread His arms in quiet submission and took the nails. And then love did something that no one else could ever do—He rose up from the grave and conquered death forever.
Such love is very powerful. Such love is worth giving up all for. Islam, Buddhism, Ba-haiism, Hinduism . . . none of these could ever offer such love as this. I, for one, am a soul that has been undone by it.
Artwork: Allegory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ © Patrick Devonas
I Heard it Laugh
I thought it was a sheep. I did. I thought it was a gentle, loving sheep . . . until I heard it laugh. And then I knew—it was a wolf.
Only wolves can laugh like that: A derisive, shallow, gloating kind of sound. It stood tall over the broken creature that was curled up beneath it and it laughed.
The laugh is what gave it away, for a sheep could never laugh over a wounded one. A sheep has too loving of a heart. The sound grieved my heart for I knew from what pit the laugh had come. And I knew what influence the wolf was under.
And when the wolf laughed, I heard the darkest sound. I heard the sound of all hell laughing with it.
Artwork: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by artist unknown
Only wolves can laugh like that: A derisive, shallow, gloating kind of sound. It stood tall over the broken creature that was curled up beneath it and it laughed.
The laugh is what gave it away, for a sheep could never laugh over a wounded one. A sheep has too loving of a heart. The sound grieved my heart for I knew from what pit the laugh had come. And I knew what influence the wolf was under.
And when the wolf laughed, I heard the darkest sound. I heard the sound of all hell laughing with it.
Artwork: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by artist unknown
Friday, February 24, 2012
Not Angels
We are the object of your affection. Not angels. Not animals. Not all the stars. Not even earth with all its varied beauty. But we are whom you’ve chosen to lavish love upon.
You, the infinite God of the universe have set your infinite love and desire on one thing . . . mankind. Outside of yourself, you have chosen humanity as the greatest source of your pleasure.
And further still, you gave your own son to make a way for us to have relationship. You wanted us that much! . . . my Glorious One, I am left speechless.
You, the infinite God of the universe have set your infinite love and desire on one thing . . . mankind. Outside of yourself, you have chosen humanity as the greatest source of your pleasure.
And further still, you gave your own son to make a way for us to have relationship. You wanted us that much! . . . my Glorious One, I am left speechless.
Artwork: Triumph of Light by Matsch
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Bright With Life
“Look at all of them!”
“They shine very lovely, don’t you think?”
“They’re amazing. I never knew that words of life were so . . . so bright with life.”
“Quick, look now!”
“Ahhh, she’s speaking forth a new one. And what exactly is it?”
“It’s a declaration of What is Not as if it Were.”
“And can they really change so much? They are so—simple after all.”
“Very much, in fact.”
“Then why do they not all do it?”
“For they’ve not all learned. Some don’t believe that such a little act can be important.”
“Well, I think this one shall never stop.”
“Yes, once they learn they get quite excited at the results.”
“You know, if they all did it, those life-lit words might just fill the earth.”
“That is the intended result. He means for them to fill the earth . . . and transform everything.”
Artwork: Little Girl Sitting in Field with Fireflies © Mike Elliott
“They shine very lovely, don’t you think?”
“They’re amazing. I never knew that words of life were so . . . so bright with life.”
“Quick, look now!”
“Ahhh, she’s speaking forth a new one. And what exactly is it?”
“It’s a declaration of What is Not as if it Were.”
“And can they really change so much? They are so—simple after all.”
“Very much, in fact.”
“Then why do they not all do it?”
“For they’ve not all learned. Some don’t believe that such a little act can be important.”
“Well, I think this one shall never stop.”
“Yes, once they learn they get quite excited at the results.”
“You know, if they all did it, those life-lit words might just fill the earth.”
“That is the intended result. He means for them to fill the earth . . . and transform everything.”
Artwork: Little Girl Sitting in Field with Fireflies © Mike Elliott
Just Walk
So you made it out the door. That’s a start—But what next? Will you stand there forever, staring out across that flat plain because you are hesitant to take a step out into a wide place? No, that isn’t you. I know you and I know that is not who you are made to be.
You are not timid. You have His power dwelling in you. You have ALL of heaven backing you up. You have an army of angels walking with you. You told me those very same things once.
So now, take a deep breath. One. Two. Three. . . . and just walk. Everything happens after that first step.
Artwork: © Glenn Harrington
You are not timid. You have His power dwelling in you. You have ALL of heaven backing you up. You have an army of angels walking with you. You told me those very same things once.
So now, take a deep breath. One. Two. Three. . . . and just walk. Everything happens after that first step.
Artwork: © Glenn Harrington
Friday, February 17, 2012
Your Father's Rage
Dear angry one,
I see your father’s shadow standing there behind you, a figment of the past that haunts. I see what he has given you each time the anger rises up and twists your face into a mask that’s dark. It is inherited, you see.
When just a child you received the brunt of all your father’s rage. Not right. Not love. Not anything remotely like our heavenly Father’s heart. And you are bound to it yet still; for every time a wound is touched the anger burns within your eyes and comes screaming out in words that shock.
But there is hope. Jesus, fierce lion-lamb, can set you free from the prison that your father placed you in . . . Forgiveness is the key He uses.
Artwork: © Robert Hunt
I see your father’s shadow standing there behind you, a figment of the past that haunts. I see what he has given you each time the anger rises up and twists your face into a mask that’s dark. It is inherited, you see.
When just a child you received the brunt of all your father’s rage. Not right. Not love. Not anything remotely like our heavenly Father’s heart. And you are bound to it yet still; for every time a wound is touched the anger burns within your eyes and comes screaming out in words that shock.
But there is hope. Jesus, fierce lion-lamb, can set you free from the prison that your father placed you in . . . Forgiveness is the key He uses.
Artwork: © Robert Hunt
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Pulling Heaven Down
I feel it . . . I feel it in the air . . . Whoo-hoo!
It’s a wonderful thing when heaven touches earth. It’s exciting to see the change—to even feel it. Holy Spirit blows it in . . . from where? I do not know. From wherever God keeps the winds all stored up, I suppose. Heaven is invading earth through those He calls His children—the adopted ones—the ones who call upon His name and love Him dearly.
I’m pulling it down. Right here. Right where I stand. I’m pulling heaven down! . . . And tranformation, healing, love, and life and all that is in heaven is being pulled down with it.
Artwork: Undine in the Wind by Arthur Rackham
It’s a wonderful thing when heaven touches earth. It’s exciting to see the change—to even feel it. Holy Spirit blows it in . . . from where? I do not know. From wherever God keeps the winds all stored up, I suppose. Heaven is invading earth through those He calls His children—the adopted ones—the ones who call upon His name and love Him dearly.
I’m pulling it down. Right here. Right where I stand. I’m pulling heaven down! . . . And tranformation, healing, love, and life and all that is in heaven is being pulled down with it.
Artwork: Undine in the Wind by Arthur Rackham
Little Lambs Behind You
Little lamb, do you not know what influence you have had? You think—“I have no influence on any. I have led a quiet life.”—but you do not realize the ones that you have touched. Those seeds that you have planted in hearts along the way have been slowly growing. And little have you known it.
But look! Here they come. One here; one there; they each remember, you know. They remember words you’ve spoken and quiet deeds you’ve done, and through the years the seeds have grown and they’re now thirsty for the water that brings life. And you have led them to it.
Here come more little lambs behind you!
But look! Here they come. One here; one there; they each remember, you know. They remember words you’ve spoken and quiet deeds you’ve done, and through the years the seeds have grown and they’re now thirsty for the water that brings life. And you have led them to it.
Here come more little lambs behind you!
Artwork: The Oasis © Robert Ryan
Before His Glorious Self
And there my hero stands—brave, true, and strong. He stands against the evil one, against all that evil brings with a grace and power that destroys darkness. Yes! That’s the one I bow to. That’s the one I shout about.
JESUS!!! . . . I shout out that name and feel the reverberations through the air. What goodness. What awesome power. What beauty in His spirit. No one can stand against Him. Evil is cast down before His Glorious self.
He is my hero! I shall worship Him with my dying breath.
Artwork: Denying Satan by Carl Heinrich Bloch
JESUS!!! . . . I shout out that name and feel the reverberations through the air. What goodness. What awesome power. What beauty in His spirit. No one can stand against Him. Evil is cast down before His Glorious self.
He is my hero! I shall worship Him with my dying breath.
Artwork: Denying Satan by Carl Heinrich Bloch
Monday, January 16, 2012
It Gushes
It gushes. It spills over. It cascades down around me like laughter. And now that I’ve discovered who I am, it will not stop—Ever!
I am a prosperous soul. All things belong to me for I belong to Christ. And as I watch heaven pouring out around me, whatever I can see is mine; for there is no lack in heaven. Not one tiny bit. And since heaven flows freely through a prosperous soul, then there is no lack for me.
The waters are wild . . . the abundance is rushing . . . and I? I cannot help but smile at such a joyful revelation: He has given me ALL things!
Artwork: Deep Woods Moonlight by Maxfield Parrish
I am a prosperous soul. All things belong to me for I belong to Christ. And as I watch heaven pouring out around me, whatever I can see is mine; for there is no lack in heaven. Not one tiny bit. And since heaven flows freely through a prosperous soul, then there is no lack for me.
The waters are wild . . . the abundance is rushing . . . and I? I cannot help but smile at such a joyful revelation: He has given me ALL things!
Artwork: Deep Woods Moonlight by Maxfield Parrish
Saturday, January 14, 2012
It Looked Like a Strong House
I saw a house get washed away. It looked like a strong house. It looked like it should have stood through any storm--but no, it got washed away when the rains fell hard and the wind beat down.
I think it was not built right. I think that someone built it on the sand, someone not too wise, and sand is not a sturdy place to build. But perhaps they didn't know. Perhaps they thought that if they built the walls from stone then the foundation didn't matter . . . Until, of course, the rains came.
If only they had built that house upon a rock--it might still be standing.
Artwork: Homesick (c) Samy Charnine
I think it was not built right. I think that someone built it on the sand, someone not too wise, and sand is not a sturdy place to build. But perhaps they didn't know. Perhaps they thought that if they built the walls from stone then the foundation didn't matter . . . Until, of course, the rains came.
If only they had built that house upon a rock--it might still be standing.
Artwork: Homesick (c) Samy Charnine
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Inspired Imaginings
It is time to dream, kindle the fire in the heart, light up the imagination! God is quite creative . . . and so are we. He made us thus. He made us to be dreamers; thinkers who think larger than any box.
From out of a soul filled with grace and peace the dreaming comes, the inspired imaginings, the prophetic revelations. So rest and talk to Him; and think and sense and see what God sees. I guarantee it will be something bigger than you originally had planned. FAR bigger. FAR more. It will stretch you, this "more". It will challenge you. It may even make you a bit uneasy.
So rest and find that quiet place to think and pray and dream . . . for that “more” is very close.
Artwork: Fire Fancies by Arthur Hacker
From out of a soul filled with grace and peace the dreaming comes, the inspired imaginings, the prophetic revelations. So rest and talk to Him; and think and sense and see what God sees. I guarantee it will be something bigger than you originally had planned. FAR bigger. FAR more. It will stretch you, this "more". It will challenge you. It may even make you a bit uneasy.
So rest and find that quiet place to think and pray and dream . . . for that “more” is very close.
Artwork: Fire Fancies by Arthur Hacker
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Cloud of Hornets
Uh-oh . . . the hornets’ nest has been shook afresh and all those little hornets are quite angry. Peevishly so. Discomfited even, by a thing they cannot comprehend.
The gold dust bothers them. The gold dust brings offence. “The Devil! Witchcraft! Woe and Woe some more!” they cry as their religious sensibilities are brought to such discomfort—and they sting in their distress.
A storm is stirring up, a storm of angry hornets who do not understand that often God offends the mind to reach the heart. And this cloud of hornets now descends against the cloud of glory dust . . . and angels watch this strange event.
Photograph: swarming hornets, unknown
The gold dust bothers them. The gold dust brings offence. “The Devil! Witchcraft! Woe and Woe some more!” they cry as their religious sensibilities are brought to such discomfort—and they sting in their distress.
A storm is stirring up, a storm of angry hornets who do not understand that often God offends the mind to reach the heart. And this cloud of hornets now descends against the cloud of glory dust . . . and angels watch this strange event.
Photograph: swarming hornets, unknown
Monday, October 17, 2011
Burst of Golden Glory
It’s here . . . His glory, tangible and real, is here right now. It swirled up above our heads and exploded in a sparkling burst of golden dust, a burst of golden glory. And God laughs to see His children so excited by it, as a father does when giving gifts to all his little ones.
Some frown and shake their heads at the thought of gold dust swirling overhead. “What’s the reason for it?” they would ask. Just because, would be the rightful answer. Just because He’s God. Just because He’s good. Just because He likes to show His glory to us.
God does whatever pleases Him . . . just because He can.
Photograph: gold dust glory cloud
Some frown and shake their heads at the thought of gold dust swirling overhead. “What’s the reason for it?” they would ask. Just because, would be the rightful answer. Just because He’s God. Just because He’s good. Just because He likes to show His glory to us.
God does whatever pleases Him . . . just because He can.
Photograph: gold dust glory cloud
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Show Me, Please
Oh, yes, show me! I long to see it all—all the hidden things that I do not know. Is it not exciting? I get giddy thinking about it. To think that you—the God who owns the universe—actually hears my call and actually wants to show me things. Not just any-thing but unsearchable things, things that man cannot possibly ever find out without you revealing them.
Yes! Show me, please . . . I’m waiting . . . right here . . . in your presence . . .
You will show me things that only angels see. You will show me things that make me marvel at your beauty. Yes, yes, that’s what I wish to see—show me, please.
Artwork: The Awakening by Thomas Cooper Gotch
Yes! Show me, please . . . I’m waiting . . . right here . . . in your presence . . .
You will show me things that only angels see. You will show me things that make me marvel at your beauty. Yes, yes, that’s what I wish to see—show me, please.
Artwork: The Awakening by Thomas Cooper Gotch
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Meant To Cut
It will cut, you know. It is meant to cut—even between joints and marrow—even dividing soul and spirit. It is that sharp. The word of God will judge the heart when we are too afraid to look too deep.
It is the other side of His word; the side that is not milk, not soft and sweet. It is quick and active and will inflict a holy pain upon the heart that needs a cleansing. But it is a good pain—a quick cutting away of foul things that want to cling.
And it pierces deep. Deep enough to find what’s hidden. Deep enough to reveal motives that no one else can see. It is alive . . . God’s breath is on this two-edged sword. Let it do its work; let it lay bare all before the eyes of Him. For you will be better for it.
Artwork: © Greg Callhttp://www.shannonassociates.com/artists/index.cfm?artist_name=gregcall
It is the other side of His word; the side that is not milk, not soft and sweet. It is quick and active and will inflict a holy pain upon the heart that needs a cleansing. But it is a good pain—a quick cutting away of foul things that want to cling.
And it pierces deep. Deep enough to find what’s hidden. Deep enough to reveal motives that no one else can see. It is alive . . . God’s breath is on this two-edged sword. Let it do its work; let it lay bare all before the eyes of Him. For you will be better for it.
Artwork: © Greg Callhttp://www.shannonassociates.com/artists/index.cfm?artist_name=gregcall
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