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God-lover, singer, poet, writer, mother, friend. Author of Song of Unborn Child.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Worth the Drinking

I found something worth the drinking. Ha! I found a good strong tonic that does my heart good. And a funny thing is there are some in the church who do not even believe it exists - they have NEVER drunk it (so sorry for them). And some who have heard of it will not touch "the stuff".  

It has a name, though they do not like to speak of it, thus I shall whisper it here so as not to bring too much offense (new wine). Have you heard of it before?

It is completely different from the old stuff - fresh, bursting with flavor, very potent. And I find myself a bit tipsy on the joy it brings. All I can say is . . . GIVE ME MORE!

Artwork: New Wine by unknown


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Nice one, stacey.
    You just drunk off the Holy Grail (Rev 3:20)

    - dylan (Malaysia)

  2. LOL....so good to take a drink now and then. ;)
