About Me

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God-lover, singer, poet, writer, mother, friend. Author of Song of Unborn Child.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Feathers Are a Fortress

I seek it as my shelter. And I recommend the same to any who need shelter. How strange that feathers are a fortress, but so they are. I am delivered from snares when under here . . . and from terror . . . even from destruction that can turn a life into a wasteland.

And here I hope to keep myself, to make it my home, even. Here, under His wings, where He promises it shall always be a refuge . . . covered by feathers . . . the only place in this world that is truly safe.

Artwork: In the Shadow of Your Wings (c) Daniel F. Gerhartz

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Halt the Dark

There is a snake loose in our nation, a twisting serpent spirit that's trying to twist everything President Trump says or does. It is a battle between darkness and light, and we must pray, Church, for the President that we elected. All hell is in a rage. They scream! They scheme! They cannot stand that Trump won this election and God put His chosen man in place.

They pound their fists against the light, enraged the more that they cannot pound it into dust. But they cannot. Pray! Pray hard, Church. Declare the opposite of what you see. Release truth, and peace, and mercy into our land. Pray protection for our President. Pray wisdom to be given him. Pray that God surrounds him with Daniels and with Josephs. Pray especially for his life and that angels surround him to keep him safe from harm. Cry out! For a great battle is upon us and we must stand and halt the dark.

Artwork: spiritual warfare hands, unknown

Monday, May 08, 2017

He is There

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" Do you hear it, mother-dear?

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" Shhh, listen very closely. Can you hear his tiny self reaching out to you? He has a soul . . . he has a beating heart. He wishes you to know that he is there.

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" He hopes to make it out into the world of sun and wind and sky. He wants you to know that, though invisible to you, he is alive. He holds a destiny within his little soul. He is trying, with all his strength, to let you know he has a name. He is not a lump of tissue as some would wish you to believe. He is not a glob of cells to be flushed out.

Close your eyes, quiet your soul, and listen . . . "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!"

Photograph: unborn baby, fetus, unknown

Friday, May 05, 2017

Fights and Bites

"Stupid, stupid humans! We've done it! We've gots them now, haven'ts we? Right where we wants them? Look at them fights and bites and tear at ones another. Such a sweetsy thing to see!"

"Yes, but not enough. They must destroy each other. Release Chaos in the land. He is very powerful and should do the job."

"Chaos? Ooohhh, Chaos is a nasty ones. Good! Good! We can'ts wait to see Chaos come! Make those stupid humans devour each others. Hee-hee, spits and gnaws and claws! Humans are so easy, easy-peasy to divide. Namesy-calling blind ones. Blind as batsies! See them hates each other!"

"We need to keep them in the dark for Chaos to reign."

"Yes, yes sir, we wills. We will keeps them blind as batsies! Hee-hee, cover their hearts, cover their eyes, no seeing light, no hopes, no truths. We wills!"

Artwork: Dante and Virgil in Hell by William Bouguereau

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Alive Again!

It's awake. It is, truly! It is breathing again - large, gulping breaths. And to think I believed that dream was dead, never to awaken. But here it is, as pulsing with life as the first moment it landed in my heart.

His Spirit whispered hope into me so quietly that I did not know it. He brought forth life from what was buried in a grave: bones, dry and dead and quite forgotten. And I was surprised to feel a stirring deep within. I was astonished when I recognized its joyful presence.

I thought it was forever dead. Yet here it is, a dream alive again!

Artwork: resurrecting from the dead, unknown

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Weapons Given to Me

I fight for my children with weapons given to me from heaven - powerful ones, breaker ones, ones that free captives from their prisons.

I fight for the lost with a passion given to me from heaven - a fiery thing, a stubborn thing, a thing so soaked with love that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

I fight for this world with angels who join me from heaven - ministering ones, worship ones, ones who war until the ending of the battle.

I fight and will not stop. Not until all those I know (and those I do not know yet) are delivered from the bonds of death to become children of my loving Father.

Artwork: spiritual warfare praying, angels, unknown

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Out In the Deep

Are we out in the deep now? No sight of land at all? My . . . a curious position to be in. And on top of that, I see a fog has come, one of those sight-stealing brumes that lurk over the water.

I say, Bravo! . . . I say, well done to push out from the shore into that realm where He alone must be your wind, your sail, even the very current that will guide you to your new land. It took quite a bit of courage to face your fear and do it, choosing to place all you have, and all your hope, into His hands.

Yet, I can see the questions flitting through your mind. Those little 'what ifs' that tenaciously pester trying to find a hold: What if a storm should come? What if land is never found? What if I sink to the bottom of the sea? . . . what if, what if, what if.

Do not be afraid . . . He rules the mist . . . He directs the wind . . . He owns the sea. He will get you there.

Artwork: boat in the fog, sea,  unknown

Monday, April 17, 2017

Who You Are

This is a reminder. You need a reminder. Now and then we all do. When you have forgotten your name we shall remind you who you are. And so now we do:

You are Grace-carrier, extending mercy to those in need.

You are Light-bringer to those who dwell in darkness.

You are Truth-bearer who speaks the words that free men's hearts.

You are Lion-heart who does not cower in the face of fear.

You are Warring-child equipped with weapons that pull down strongholds.

You are Loving-song, worshipper of the most Beloved of them all.

You are New-creation, a citizen of a better city.

And we? We are that great cloud of witnesses who have gone before you. It is we who remind you who you are. The enemy of your soul will not relent; but God is greater. And His plans shall happen in your life. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!!

Artwork: female angel warrior, unknown

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Tomorrow the Sun

Again the sun has risen and the earth is still quietly revolving happily in its course. If ever I boast of anything let it be of how good and great my Father up in heaven is. What a loving God who created this revolving earth! He made it all for us, us small beings who are the apple of His eye.

What made this God of glorious nature fall in love with us? We cannot earn this love, yet it is heaped upon us when we have done nothing but look up and acknowledge Him who gives it freely.

And tomorrow the sun shall rise again . . . and tomorrow His mercy shall be freshly given. I can only shake my head in wonder.

Artwork by George Elgar Hicks

Friday, November 06, 2015

Son of Joy

Georgian's learned it well. No one laughs and loves quite the way that Georgian Banov does. Show us again, lover of God, show us again how it's done! How do you love so well? You are contagious, son of joy. You are outright crazy with love.

Let me be so crazy! Let me follow in your steps . . . it is a good day to be drunk with joy . . . it is a good day to be rocked by love.

Photograph: Georgian Banov in Africa

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Still I Thirst

I want more. Truly, I want more. Will it cost me? I do not care, for I want more. It is a growing thirst within me - I could drink all day and night and still I thirst. You have done this to me, wrecked me with your love. But it is a good wrecking, a good undoing, a much needed realigning of my soul.

I want more!! Such a thirst within me that I must drink . . . all night long. Jesus, I want more.

Artwork: Living Water © Jessica Oart

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Until the Darkness Has No Place

You can't hold onto it, you know. It wasn't meant for that - it will fade away if you try. I know it is beautiful, quite brilliant, but there is far more where that came from. Did you know it multiplies when you share it? In fact, it doesn't just multiply, it grows - larger and larger until it fills a home, a neighborhood, a city.

His light is not meant to be bottled up or hidden under a basket. It's meant to be set out on a hill, spread through every street, brought into every home, until the darkness has no place to be.

You'd be surprised what one tiny, flittering flame can do; it can start an entire fire. So take off that lid . . . I dare you!

Artwork: (c) Emilia Wilk

Thursday, October 08, 2015

It Is Time

GLORY (it is in the air) . . . GLORY (like a mist over the earth) . . . GLORY (breathe it in) . . . GLORY (angels are declaring, can you hear it?) . . . GLORY (His presence, shattering the gates of hell!) . . . GLORY (it is time, it is a change of season) GLORY (men shall fall before it) . . .GLORY (Glory of the only One, the true God, the everlasting Father . . . and all creation bows, groaning for the sons of God to be revealed)

It is time.

Photograph: tree in sun, unknown

Monday, October 05, 2015

Til You're All Worn Out

You can let go of that old thing, you know. No more tug-of-wars . . . unless you choose it. And why in the world would you? He offers you liberty! Your choice, His power. But . . . you have to be willing to let go, move on, turn a different direction (repent, even).

Think about it. Do you really want that old thing? There are so many better things, joyful things, eternal things that He wishes to give you, now that you're His child. But you must let go of that. Or . . . you could continue fighting with it 'til you're all worn out, for years maybe.

Come on now, just let go.

Artwork: Woman Walking Dog by Edward Robert Hughes

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Not a Cinder-girl

It begins with you, my girl:

If you truly understand your value, how you are treasured by your Papa God, then you will only choose a man who understands the same and who'll treasure you.

If you truly believe you are a holy vessel, one who should be honored and respected, then you will only choose a man who believes the same and who'll honor you.

If you demand to be known, first and foremost, heart and soul and depth of thoughts, then you will only choose a man who wishes to get to know you first before he ever touches you.

If you look in the mirror and truly see a princess of the royal courts of heaven, an heir to the riches of her Father's kingdom - then only a man who sees the same shall be worthy of you and you will make sure that you have no other.

You are not a cinder-girl any longer . . . no, no, you were pulled from the ashes long ago!

Artwork: Cinderella by Valentine Cameron Prinsep

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Lop It Off!

Were you surprised when He cut it off? It had to be done, and He is just the one to do it for He knows exactly where to cut.

You have good roots - but one branch grew wrong. That's alright. Do not worry yourself about it. It happens to us all, quite regularly. God loves our growth. If we never grew, He would never need to prune. And He must prune if we are to continue to grow and bear more fruit.

So let Him do it, even when it's painful. Let Him lop it off! Be glad that branch grew out - whether it was bad, dead, unfruitful, or even sickly - be thankful that it grew enough for Him to cut it. Oh, happy day, when you see next season's fruit!

Photograph: tree, unknown

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Washed By Water

Dear Bride of Christ,

You are being washed by water. You are being soaked in Glory. Sometimes it rains. Sometimes it's a shallow pool. But always you are in it.

And why does Father God take so much care in cleansing you? Because He loves His son. He promised Him a bride that's pure. And how the bridegroom loves His promised bride.

Another stain is gone . . . another wrinkle smoothed . . . another wound is healed. Soon you'll be ready for a wedding! And all of heaven shall attend it!

Artwork: prophetic art bride in water, unknown

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Not Just Another Storm

It is about to break . . . you are almost there, almost at the end of this testing place, this trial by storm. Stand strong! Stand fast! Gird up and plant your feet solidly on that rock! This is not the time to allow thoughts to stray or lose your hope.

This is not just about you, and this is not just another storm - this is about His destined plans!!! And this storm is from the enemy of your soul who senses the time is near for you to step across into that higher place for the sake of others that need to see. 

With a longing out of your own heart, he planned to fell you. With a good desire you have hoped upon, he has tried to break your spirit. No greater storm has ever come against you. No harder thing has ever warred against your mind. It has been a sifting time - but you shall make it. Hold on . . . you are almost there . . . it is time for crossing over.

Arwork: My Deliverer (c) Jeanette Sthamaan

Monday, June 22, 2015

Gazing on the Right Thing

That is good . . . stay focused . . . look neither left nor right. Shhhh, keep very calm and still your heart. Keep your gaze upon His face.

 . . . and there it is. I see it. I see His glory on your face. There are still storm clouds black and rumbling round you, but not within you, child. Not within you any longer.

What peace is found when gazing on the right thing.

Artwork: woman praying, unknown

Friday, June 12, 2015

Breaker Is Your Name

You will dance again. You think that you may not - but He has other plans. And one day you'll forget the past, and rise above, and simply dance.

Breaker is your name, dear one. Breaker is your destiny! Dancing on the pain . . . dancing on the fear . . . crushing the enemy beneath your warring, graceful feet.

And so you'll break the others free - the prisoners who sleep. They shall be awakened by the dance!

Artwork: Raise From Gold (c) Van Renselar

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Fiercer Route

Oh, I am ready for it! This trek has been a long appointed thing, God of All-consuming Fire.

I AM READY FOR IT! Not round the mountain this time; you have a shorter path - a fiercer route, more courage needed - but more freedom will be found.

And the enemy of my soul? . . . he . . . has . . . lost.

A season for acceleration. It is through the mountain this time. Then out to the other side . . . my destiny is calling.

Artwork: Expulsion, Moon and Firelight by Thomas Cole

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

From His Very Heart

They burn quite hot - a brilliant, gleaming white. And from His very heart they come.

It is time. He holds them ready - another son or daughter has been crying out for more: More fire! A heart renewed! A new love! Let it come!

And so He reaches into His heart, into that inner fire, and plucks out the holy embers. It's time to set a fire afresh in yet another heart . . . Hahahahaha! He's even laughing when He does it. I think it's one of His most favorite things to do.

Artwork: prophetic art, God's hands, unknown

Sunday, June 07, 2015

A Destiny Awaits

"Father, it is broken."

"I know, dear one. Will you give it to me, bruises, pain and all?"

"But all my dreams are in it."

"Yes, it is a precious thing, I know, for I am the One who made it. I am the One who placed those dreams inside it. But I must hold it now. You must trust me with it."

"And then what?"

"Do not worry about that. Only do what I have asked. I am the only One who has the power to heal it. You cannot. Neither can any man."

"Will it take long?"

"Not long. Not long at all. This time it is different . . . Now, may I have it?" 

"Yes. Yes . . . I am ready. You may have it. I know a destiny awaits and I do not wish this sorrow to hold me back. Please take it."

"You are brave, my girl . . . very brave, indeed."

Artwork: Broken Heart (c) Daniel Rocal

Saturday, June 06, 2015

The Praying Kind

I still believe there is a Boaz in my future. I still believe that there is someone sure and strong . . . even now, I still believe.

He gives all he has to Father God and he's there for her who's weaker. A heart that's true, flaws and all, he is a lovely man.

A woman needs your kind, dear man. The praying kind. The faithful kind. The kind who hears God's Spirit and protects a woman's heart.

 . . . most of all, a man of courage . . . I still believe.

Photograph: man praying, unknown

Justice Comes

I hear that voice! I hear Him shouting through the heavens. My Captain He is come. God of the Angel Armies!

"JUSTICE!" I hear the shout. "JUSTICE!" again, it roars. "Justice comes to those who wait for my deliverance. My hand is not so short it cannot save! I say, NO MORE! I have come, you hosts of hell, and I defend my child from your evil onslaught. I bring Justice with me - I am my child's ever-present help! . . . ENOUGH! . . . I drive you into darkness! It is with me you now contend for into my arms my child ran."

And then a tremor in the air - the hosts of heaven round about. A battle's here, a battle's come, a battle I no longer need to fight. How wonderful is the Captain of the Hosts of heaven. How lovely is that Lion.

Artwork: Lion with Justice by unknown

Friday, June 05, 2015

You Can Have My Isaac

There it lies. You asked me for it. You asked for me to lay it down upon that altar. A precious thing to me: A dream I've dreamt for years and years and finally had a taste of. But now? Now I must leave it lying there . . . and the ache within me nearly kills.

And I must walk away from that which was so dear, so longed for even. I cannot pick it up. Even though it felt so right and sweet. Even though it was a dream I dreamt for half my life.

You can have whatever of me that you wish. I will keep nothing from you - you can have my Isaac even.

Artwork: Worship (c) Marybeth Stafford

Thursday, June 04, 2015


Keep my head above the water, for I cannot swim. And at this moment I cannot walk upon it either. I swear that I am sinking! Reach down here in this torrent, pull me out. Reach down here, find my hand! For in my thrashing, I cannot see your hand to grab it!

You promised me the flood would never overwhelm . . . I must believe your words. You do not lie. I must relax . . . hold out my hand . . . and simply breathe . . . slowly, in and out . . . breathe in your Spirit, focus on the rhythm till it's quiet . . . breathe again . . . just breathe . .

. . . and there you are. I see your lovely self. I see your strong and gentle hand. I am safe again. How foolish that I thought I wasn't. You said that we are chasing down the fear - well, I think I found it!

Artwork: Jesus looking throuh water, Take My Hand and Have Faith by unknown

One Spot of Darkness

I am fully willing, Lord, to hear it. Speak what is true. I have asked for truth since I was young and first began to follow. And now it is no different.

Expose my heart! Let your blinding light reveal everything that's hidden. I want it, Lord. Burn deep within and do not let one spot of darkness hide. I welcome it. It is time for me to walk a higher glory. I will not rest till that thing within is thoroughly disposed of. And if I need to wrestle it out, so be it. Let the struggle start - for I will fight until the truth is anchored deep and firm.

. . . . it is a violent zeal that takes hold, and it is time for it.

Artwork: Words Like Fire © Dolores DeVelde