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God-lover, singer, poet, writer, mother, friend. Author of Song of Unborn Child.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just Walk

So you made it out the door. That’s a start—But what next? Will you stand there forever, staring out across that flat plain because you are hesitant to take a step out into a wide place? No, that isn’t you. I know you and I know that is not who you are made to be.

You are not timid. You have His power dwelling in you. You have ALL of heaven backing you up. You have an army of angels walking with you. You told me those very same things once.

So now, take a deep breath. One. Two. Three. . . . and just walk. Everything happens after that first step.

Artwork: © Glenn Harrington

Friday, February 17, 2012

Your Father's Rage

Dear angry one,

I see your father’s shadow standing there behind you, a figment of the past that haunts. I see what he has given you each time the anger rises up and twists your face into a mask that’s dark. It is inherited, you see.

When just a child you received the brunt of all your father’s rage. Not right. Not love. Not anything remotely like our heavenly Father’s heart. And you are bound to it yet still; for every time a wound is touched the anger burns within your eyes and comes screaming out in words that shock.

But there is hope. Jesus, fierce lion-lamb, can set you free from the prison that your father placed you in . . . Forgiveness is the key He uses.

Artwork: © Robert Hunt

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pulling Heaven Down

I feel it . . . I feel it in the air . . . Whoo-hoo!

It’s a wonderful thing when heaven touches earth. It’s exciting to see the change—to even feel it. Holy Spirit blows it in . . . from where? I do not know. From wherever God keeps the winds all stored up, I suppose. Heaven is invading earth through those He calls His children—the adopted ones—the ones who call upon His name and love Him dearly.

I’m pulling it down. Right here. Right where I stand. I’m pulling heaven down! . . . And tranformation, healing, love, and life and all that is in heaven is being pulled down with it.

Artwork: Undine in the Wind by Arthur Rackham

Little Lambs Behind You

Little lamb, do you not know what influence you have had? You think—“I have no influence on any. I have led a quiet life.”—but you do not realize the ones that you have touched. Those seeds that you have planted in hearts along the way have been slowly growing. And little have you known it.

But look! Here they come. One here; one there; they each remember, you know. They remember words you’ve spoken and quiet deeds you’ve done, and through the years the seeds have grown and they’re now thirsty for the water that brings life. And you have led them to it.

Here come more little lambs behind you!

Before His Glorious Self

And there my hero stands—brave, true, and strong. He stands against the evil one, against all that evil brings with a grace and power that destroys darkness. Yes! That’s the one I bow to. That’s the one I shout about.

JESUS!!! . . . I shout out that name and feel the reverberations through the air. What goodness. What awesome power. What beauty in His spirit. No one can stand against Him. Evil is cast down before His Glorious self.

He is my hero! I shall worship Him with my dying breath.

Artwork: Denying Satan by Carl Heinrich Bloch

Monday, January 16, 2012

It Gushes

It gushes. It spills over. It cascades down around me like laughter. And now that I’ve discovered who I am, it will not stop—Ever!

I am a prosperous soul. All things belong to me for I belong to Christ. And as I watch heaven pouring out around me, whatever I can see is mine; for there is no lack in heaven. Not one tiny bit. And since heaven flows freely through a prosperous soul, then there is no lack for me.

The waters are wild . . . the abundance is rushing . . . and I? I cannot help but smile at such a joyful revelation: He has given me ALL things!

Artwork: Deep Woods Moonlight by Maxfield Parrish

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It Looked Like a Strong House

I saw a house get washed away. It looked like a strong house. It looked like it should have stood through any storm--but no, it got washed away when the rains fell hard and the wind beat down.

I think it was not built right. I think that someone built it on the sand, someone not too wise, and sand is not a sturdy place to build. But perhaps they didn't know. Perhaps they thought that if they built the walls from stone then the foundation didn't matter . . . Until, of course, the rains came.

If only they had built that house upon a rock--it might still be standing.

Artwork: Homesick (c) Samy Charnine