About Me

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God-lover, singer, poet, writer, mother, friend. Author of Song of Unborn Child.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Written On Your Palm

I am a small one kneeling in the dirt, my God, my lovely Father. Yet I am someone you cannot forget - for so you said. You said my name is written on your palm and forever you'd remember who I am.

Small but memorable to you and imprinted on your hand. Such love I cannot help but offer back. Let all the world hear me shout: Such a God are you - so fierce! So shatteringly beautiful! An all-consuming fire that is merciful and kind! You are unlike any that has ever been, is now, or shall ever come to be.

And here I am, kneeling in the dirt, a small one who shall never be forgotten.

Artwork: I Yield My Heart to You © James Nesbit

Saturday, February 18, 2023


There it is, do you see it? Right there in her little face. It is what Jesus sees, and it makes Him smile. It is what He wants to see in all of us. What He demands, in fact. Nothing complicated here - just a simple, innocent, child-like heart, filled with trust for her Papa God.

It is eyes like hers that can see the wonder of Him.

Artwork: The Vision © Akiane

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Bent Beneath the Load

There is nothing you can bring to me I need - I am the uncreated One, remember? I have no needs. I have no need for your works or deeds or honors or accomplishments or your position. And I can see that you have little need of them also, as your back is quite bent beneath the load. How long will you last carrying such weight? Will you make it to the end of the road? It could be a long road, you know, this journey you call your life.

Why not lay it all down and come to me empty-handed? ... That's a thought.

Artwork: Carrying a burden, unknown