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God-lover, singer, poet, writer, mother, friend. Author of Song of Unborn Child.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

A Great Reset

The Davos group shall be surprised at how correct they were. They said a "Reset" would be coming. They plotted in a thousand different ways to push it forward. They even called it "Great." And they were correct - a Great Reset is soon to happen . . . but not quite like they imagined.

Everything shall truly change - for it is their end that is coming. The time is soon upon us when the Davos group shall be cut off, and those who are part of it shall be brought low. They will grovel and fall to their knees before the One who is Lord of all the rulers of the earth. Lord of them, even.

He is coming sooner than even the church expects, with a powerful army that no earthly army can withstand. And the redeemed who love the Truth (for truth is a person) shall shout with such a great clamor of rejoicing that all eternity shall be filled with the noise. . . ."Praise to Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God!! For He has come and all creation is redeemed!! And all the earth has quit it's groaning and rejoices with us!!"

Photograph: Raised hands praising, unknown