I had a dream . . .
I was holding a baby. The baby then turned into a kitten. I had this dream before, and in that prior dream the baby turned into a kitten and then into a doll.
Here is the meaning of the dream. God showed me years ago that the baby represents the prophetic gift. In the church, some treat the prophetic gift as a child treats a kitten or a doll. A child will play with a doll or kitten when they feel like it, when they want to be amused. Then they set it down, bored, only to come back again to play some more when their interest returns.
If we wish an increase in the gifting, it must be taken seriously. Press in, dig deep, take time in His presence and word. It is Father's wish to grow us up into all things - so we can be those who accurately handle and teach the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). It's not a toy, it's a discerning tool and a strategic weapon for His kingdom.
Artwork: Girl with doll and kitten, unknown